GPRS Higher Education Marketing Agency


GPRS Higher Education Marketing Agency

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Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | September 28th, 2023

How to Grow EMBA Program Enrollment

How to Grow EMBA Program EnrollmentExecutive MBA (EMBA) programs are a valuable way for working professionals to pursue an impactful, advanced degree. However, marketing to EMBA candidates is considerably different from trying to reach typical MBA candidates. The target audiences and core messaging are much different in each case, making things a bit more complicated.

So, how can grad schools reach candidates effectively and grow EMBA program enrollment? Here’s a quick look at a few strategies to do just that.

Invest in content marketing

Content is king when it comes to reaching your target audience – something especially true for EMBA candidates. As working professionals, they already lead busy day-to-day lives and require an effective content strategy to reach them.

To reach prospective EMBA candidates and convey the benefits of your institution, employ a variety of content marketing channels. Blog posts and landing pages can convey your value props in detail, while video testimonials and case studies from current and former EMBA students is a great way to humanize your school and its benefits.

Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, are an excellent way to build brand awareness and engage with prospective EMBA students. LinkedIn paid ads in particular can boost brand awareness, generate leads, and deliver valuable content to your target audience cost-effectively and efficiently.

Create the right personas to grow EMBA program enrollment

It’s important to remember that the background of EMBA candidates differs substantially from traditional MBA candidates. When crafting your marketing strategy and messaging to your target audience, take a data-driven approach and create custom personas with this in mind. Remember that EMBA candidates are working professionals with considerable field experience already and different goals and pain points compared to traditional MBA candidates.

Similarly, make sure that you fully understand exactly who your target audience is and create custom messaging for them specifically. Undertake extensive research, hold interviews with current and former EMBA students, and take the time to fully understand the mindset of EMBA candidates and how you can best reach them.

Focus your messaging on benefits and value

When crafting your messaging to prospective EMBA students, focus on the benefits of an EMBA degree and convey the value of your school. As busy professionals, EMBA candidates need to know that their investment in an advanced degree will be worth their time. Position your school as the best place for career advancement and stress selling points like flexibility, networking opportunities, and leadership development.

Grow EMBA program enrollment today

EMBA programs are a great way for candidates to pursue an advanced degree, develop their skills, and build a lifelong network. If you’re looking to grow your EMBA program enrollment, GPRS is here to help. Contact us today to see what our experience and resources can do for you.


Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | September 14th, 2023

How Colleges Can Solve Undergrad Admissions Challenges

How Colleges Can Solve Undergrad Admissions ChallengesIt’s no secret that colleges face a number of challenges when it comes to attracting undergrads in the future. The much-discussed “demographic cliff” will shrink the pool of potential freshmen as soon as 2025, and at the same time, many parents are now questioning if college has the best return on investment (ROI) given its rising costs and the rapidly changing nature of the country’s economy. So how can colleges solve undergrad admissions challenges?

Fortunately, all hope is not lost. In fact, colleges all around the country can use these admissions challenges as opportunities to reinvent themselves and prepare for the future. Here’s how colleges can tackle the undergrad admissions challenges head-on and adopt the strategies they need to succeed in the future.

Undergrad Admissions Challenge: Facing the demographic cliff

Sometimes called the enrollment cliff, the demographic cliff facing colleges in the near future has been the source of much hand-wringing, but just what is it exactly? It refers to the potential 10-15% enrollment drop facing colleges due to the shrinking population of 18-year-olds beginning around 2025. This is largely due to the demographic impact of the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 and its aftermath, which caused many families to have fewer children or put off having them entirely. In the subsequent years, birth rates have failed to increase, leaving fewer college-aged students in the coming years.

Although colleges can’t alter demography, of course, they can take proactive steps to prepare for the upcoming enrollment cliff and minimize its impact. Some of these include:

  • Making the application process simpler and more streamlined by switching to a test-blind or test-optional admissions process.
  • Placing additional recruitment marketing efforts on students who attended college in the past but never graduated with a degree. These non-traditional students represent an attractive opportunity to help bolster enrollment.
  • Crafting messaging toward prospective adult students looking to reskill, change careers, or adapt to economic changes like the rise of AI.
  • Employing personalized marketing campaigns toward prospective students, with tailored emails, text messages, and other forms of communication.
  • Shifting your marketing strategy and messaging to engage students earlier, focusing on the benefits of attending college, and ensuring they’re getting the information they need quickly and easily.

Undergrad Admissions Challenge: Addressing the ROI question

At the same time colleges are facing demographic challenges, many families are flat-out questioning if college is worth it given rising costs and the fast-changing nature and unpredictability of the economy.

Although this is another undergrad admissions challenge that colleges need to address, prospective undergraduates and their families can be assuaged with the right messaging and information. When marketing to them, focus on conveying the value that a college degree offers. Statistics consistently show that college graduates on average make $1.2 million in lifetime earnings more compared to those without a degree – make sure your prospects know this figure!

In addition to this, emphasize the transferable skills, higher social capital, increased employment opportunities, and access to jobs with better benefits that college graduates are able to obtain. By conveying value and long-term opportunities, your messaging and marketing can help calm families understandably skittish about rising college costs and lingering student loan debt.

Prepare for the future today

Colleges are at a crossroads. Despite the looming challenges facing undergraduate enrollment in the future, taking proactive steps and adopting new and innovative strategies can help future-proof your organization. Need help in preparing for the future and addressing these challenges head-on? GPRS has the experience and expertise you need. Contact us today for more information.



121 N. Main St., Suite 109
Souderton, PA 18964



For over two decades, GPRS has been a trusted higher education marketing agency, offering custom solutions to institutions of all sizes and degree types. Admissions directors, marketing directors, deans, and presidents rely on GPRS to provide a depth of services, including strategy, lead generation, digital marketing, nurture communications, recruiting, and analytics.

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