Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | February 17th, 2023

How does an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic™ work?

How does an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic work?At any given time there are common challenges that many business schools may face. While these are not necessarily new in higher education, when your school is facing them for the first time or is continuing to struggle with low enrollment, shrinking market share, lead generation issues or alignment between marketing and admissions, it can be a challenge to determine where to focus resources. There may be a time when your school needs an outside, objective evaluation and help to navigate meeting your enrollment goals in a continuously shifting market.

If you’re looking to identify areas of opportunity for growing enrollment, how to better align your marketing and admissions functions, and if your marketing tactics are sustainable, it may be time for an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic from GPRS.

What is an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic?

As a response to shifting needs we’ve observed in the market over the past 20 years, GPRS developed a unique offering that goes beyond the traditional evaluation schools may receive from a consultant or agency. Using a vetted discovery process we created drawing from our deep expertise in higher ed marketing and admissions, GPRS offers an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic (EGD) that is designed to “diagnose” the cause of your school’s specific challenges. The process includes in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and a working session to prioritize goals and ideal outcomes. The result is a deep report citing observations and recommendations to improve processes, funnel management, cross-departmental relationships, and ultimately, enrollment.

With an EGD, your school will receive a comprehensive report and then have the choice on how to proceed. You may want to explore a specific area further, implement the recommendations with the school’s internal teams or work with GPRS to customize a path forward.

As a true partner, GPRS aims to work with your school in the way that best suits you. We find out who the key stakeholders are, where the issues lie, and how we can best support the information-gathering effort and offer solutions that will make an impact.

How does the evaluation process work?

To get started with any partner school, the GPRS team goes straight to work, interviewing key stakeholders, reviewing each program, the admissions process, marketing, goals, audience and competitive positioning. Based on the market, competition, and challenges we identify, GPRS will deliver a report that may include findings on:

  • Blind spots in the admissions processes
  • Website functionality
  • Marketing lead generation
  • Funnel management
  • Opportunities for synergy between departments

Following the report, GPRS will deliver a recommended roadmap including solutions to address common challenges we identified throughout the diagnostic process. Past schools we’ve worked with have been able to take these findings and implement actions to launch re-engagement campaigns, improve lead tracking, develop personas, and increase top-of-funnel engagement.

Interested in an Enrollment Growth Diagnostic from GPRS?

Partner with a firm that is truly invested in your school’s success. We’ll integrate with your team, help you identify your opportunities, and collaborate on solutions to increase your enrollment. Contact us today to start the conversation.